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ܡܡܠܠܐ ܕܡܦܠܚܢܐ:Gabygabi

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ܡܢ ܘܝܩܝܦܕܝܐ، ܐܝܢܣܩܠܘܦܕܝܐ ܚܐܪܬܐ



ܫܠܵܡܵܐ ܠܘܼܟ݂ ܐ݇ܚܘܿܢܝܼ (ܐܸܢ ܚܵܬ݂ܝܼ؟)܆ ܒܫܲܝܢܵܐ ܐ݇ܬܹܐܠܘܼܟ! ܫܸܡܝܼ ܓܸܠܝܵܢܵܐ܆ ܫܸܡܘܼܟ݂ ܡܘܿܕܝܼܠܗܹ؟ ܝܵܕ݂ܥܸܬ ܕܐܲܝܟ݂ ܡܨܲܘܬܸܬ ܒܐܸܢܓܠܝܼܙܝܼ؟

ܒܲܣܝܼܡܵܐ ܪܲܒܵܐ ܛܠܵܐ ܡܗܲܝܵܪܬܘܼܟ݂܆ ܒܲܣ ܬܟ݂ܘܿܪ ܕܐܲܚܢܲܢ ܠܵܐ ܟܵܬ݂ܒܸܚ ܒܣܘܵܕ݂ܵܝܵܐ ܐܲܟ݂ܵܐ ܐܸܠܵܐ ܒܠܸܫܵܢܵܐ ܣܸܦܪܵܝܵܐ (ܠܸܫܵܢܵܐ ܥܲܬܝܼܩܵܐ). ܡܵܨܸܬ ܟܵܬ݂ܒܸܬ ܒܹܗ؟ ܐܸܢ ܠܵܐ ܝܵܕ݂ܥܸܬ܆ ܐܵܢܵܐ ܡܵܨܸܢ ܡܗܲܝܵܪܸܢܠ݇ܘܼܟ݂܀

ܩܲܪܝܝܼܢ݇ܠܘܼܟ݂ ܕܘܼܒܵܪܹ̈ܐ؟ ܟܠ ܕܡܸܢܕܝܼ ܕܒܵܥܝܸܬ܆ ܡܒܲܩܸܪܠ݇ܝܼ. ܠܵܐ ܢܵܟ݂ܦܸܬ. :) --334a (ܡܡܠܠܐ) 15:57, 19 ܒܢܝܣܢ 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ancient Spellings


Can you give a reputable citation for the spellings "ܐܣܘܪܬ‏" and "ܐܣܘܪܝܐ" for ܣܘܪܝܝܐ? I don't think these spellings existed in antiquity and they're just fabricated by nationalists. I could be wrong, though. --334a (ܡܡܠܠܐ) 18:40, 17 ܒܟܢܘܢ ܐܚܪܝ 2016 (UTC)[reply]